Joining the hype
Hi everyone!
As you probably expect, this is the typical first post on any blog... NOT! :P
Ok, so the deal is this: I noticed that people (including a lot of my geek friends) started getting blogs a while ago. Being a cool, laid-back and lazy person myself, I didn't fall for the initial hype, simply because it didn't feel like anything useful.
I don't like the idea of sharing any part of my personal life on the internet, because personal contact should be kept exactly that way: personal.
And having insightful, interesting or at least meaningful opinions about the stuff happening in the world is just waaay too hard. It's one thing to look like you know what you're blabbering about when you talk politics over a pint of beer and another to write down something that you wouldn't be ashamed of people seeing and not a waste of time to read.
Speaking of "waste of time to read", this post is already too long and I still haven't said why I actually changed my mind for and started the blog. Well, the answer is quite simple: because the purpose of it that eluded me for some time finally presented itself.
This is the place where you will find short (or long) copy/pastes and/or transcripts of interesting/cool stuff/ideas I read on the web or elsewhere. I want it to be a repository for knowledge and opinion with all the benefits of being searchable and all in one place.
Some of them will have my comments and some will be just plain quotes and links.
I hope you will find it useful.
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