My Bookmarks

Location: Bucharest, Romania

My name is George. So what else do you need to know? Stuff about my family, or where I'm from? None of that matters.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Saturday, Sunday, Funday

Today was a fun day, or so it seems. Despite of the fact that it was (obviously) Monday, it was fun. One major reason for that is the fact Monday morning in Bucharest is Sunday afternoon in Seattle ;-)

For any poor soul that may have wandered on this particular corner of the web, the two posts before could be startling and discouraging. Well, sorry about that, but they are just two quotes from the book I'm currently reading that I found to be insightful.

The part of the book I managed to read, and also the letter from a land far far away :P have a quite big part reserved to the same subject: the choice of destiny that a young member of the elites has to make and, of course, the consequences of that choice.

Still here? Ok, it seems you're brave enough, so let's proceed then [1] !
This book is written as a biography of Magister Ludi Josef Knecht [2], from the time he is head hunted on. After joining the elites he sees his life path quite standardized before him. He will finish his studies, join The Order and serve the human spirituality in the best way that suits him. Note that he makes this choice absolutely free of any pressures or conditions of usefulness to society.

Sounds like a good, fulfilling life, eh? Well, wait until you read the fine print ;-) All members of The Order are provided with food, lodging, access to the best libraries and laboratories they need to do their service to humanity. BUT they waive their right to have any material possessions, marry or even stay in touch with their family. They must dedicate their whole being to The Order. Scary? Well, some of you will say "You bet!", but others will jump and say "Where do I sign?"

Those who are elected to join the elites, but who go back to the ordinary schools and also those who finish the schools for the elite, but don't want to join The Order simply go out into the world to practice what they have learned, to work as part of the society and deal with all the usual mundane problems.

And the paths are just as described above and apply at this day and age. You can study very hard, make sacrifices for it, get your degree, go to grad, get a PhD, research, be a university professor, etc OR have your share of studies and when you are ready and/or willing you join The World. That is, you get a job, get married, have kids, buy a house, etc. You know the drill.

The interesting side of this, and the one that turned today into Funday is the fact that, although initially part of the same elite group, people who choose different paths will never really see eye to eye ever again.
This different choice will perpetually be a cause of bickering between the two "camps". The "professors" will often regard the "normal people" as epigones who betray the high ideals of the intellectual caste while the "professors" are made fun of and challenged as cowards who are afraid of joining The World.

You might say that this is not interesting. Well, maybe it's not very interesting, but it is very funny. I find it very fun to watch great minds of our time caught in the act of being oh so human, loudly denying each other's accomplishments, while at the same time they may be silently suffering of the so common "Grass is greener on the other side of the fence" syndrome.

Don't you?

[1] A hero is just as brave as an ordinary man, the difference is that he is brave 5 minutes longer
[2] knecht means slave in German

Monday, October 24, 2005

The music of life ?... could be

The human attitude of which classical music is the expression is always the same; it is always based on the same kind of insight into life and strives for the same kind of victory over blind chance. Classical music as gesture signifies knowledge of the tragedy of the human condition, affirmation of human destiny, courage, cheerful serenity. The grace of a minuet by Handel or Couperin, the sensuality sublimated into delicate gesture to be found in many Italian composers or in Mozart, the tranquil, composed readiness for death in Bach -- always there may be heard in these works a defiance, a death-defying intrepidity, a gallantry, and a note of superhuman laughter, of immortal gay serenity. Let that same note also sound in our Glass Bead Games, and in our whole lives, acts, and sufferings.

Hermann Hesse - The Glass Bead Game

Has your vocation found you?

There are many types and kinds of vocation, but the core of the experience is always the same: the soul is awakened by it, transformed or exalted, so that instead of dreams and presentiments from within a summons comes from without. A portion of reality presents itself and makes its claim.

Hermann Hesse - The Glass Bead Game

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Joining the hype

Hi everyone!

As you probably expect, this is the typical first post on any blog... NOT! :P

Ok, so the deal is this: I noticed that people (including a lot of my geek friends) started getting blogs a while ago. Being a cool, laid-back and lazy person myself, I didn't fall for the initial hype, simply because it didn't feel like anything useful.
I don't like the idea of sharing any part of my personal life on the internet, because personal contact should be kept exactly that way: personal.
And having insightful, interesting or at least meaningful opinions about the stuff happening in the world is just waaay too hard. It's one thing to look like you know what you're blabbering about when you talk politics over a pint of beer and another to write down something that you wouldn't be ashamed of people seeing and not a waste of time to read.

Speaking of "waste of time to read", this post is already too long and I still haven't said why I actually changed my mind for and started the blog. Well, the answer is quite simple: because the purpose of it that eluded me for some time finally presented itself.

This is the place where you will find short (or long) copy/pastes and/or transcripts of interesting/cool stuff/ideas I read on the web or elsewhere. I want it to be a repository for knowledge and opinion with all the benefits of being searchable and all in one place.
Some of them will have my comments and some will be just plain quotes and links.

I hope you will find it useful.